Contact Us
Coalition Staff
If you would like to speak with the Executive Director or a staff member of the Coalition, see the contact list below:
Paula Griswold, M.S.
Executive Director
(tel) 781-262-6081
(fax) 781-272-0605
Amelia Cook
Program Manager
(tel) 781-262-6080
(fax) 781-272-0605
The Coalition is located at
500 District Ave Burlington MA 01803
Note:District Ave is the new street name for New England Executive Park

The Coalition is approx. 13 miles from Logan Airport, about 30 minutes by car.
Northbound on Rt. 128/ I-95:
Take exits 32A and 32B, then exit 32B to the Middlesex Turnpike
Turn RIGHT onto the turnpike and the Burlington Mall will be on your right
Turn RIGHT at the 3rd set of lights onto the Mall Road
Turn RIGHT at the 4th set of traffic lights, this is the New England Executive Park
MHA is building number 5 on your RIGHT hand side
Southbound on Rt. 128/ I-95:
Take exit 33B and proceed straight through the traffic lights (across Rt. 3A) This is the Mall Rd. Turn LEFT at the 4th set of traffic lights, this is the New England Executive Park
MHA is building number 5 on your RIGHT hand side
From the Massachusetts Turnpike, Rt. 9, Rt. 2 or Rt. 3, follow 'NORTHbound on Rt. 128/ I-95' directions above.
From Rt. 93, follow 'SOUTHbound on Rt. 128/ I-95' directions above.
Coalition Website
For any issues concerning our website, please contact our Webmaster: