Patient Safety in Office Practices
Mount Auburn Practice Improvement Project (MA-PIP)
Additional Resources and Materials for Practices
Patient Safety Guidelines
Case Studies
Improvement Tools/Sample Letters
- Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) form to guide practices through testing new ideas.
- Change Package includes a wide range of improvement ideas from which practices can choose.
- Patient Agenda Form is a basic tool to orient and guide a patient for a clinical visit that you might test, adapt and improve.
- Patient Agenda PDSA is a simple set of steps to help get started on using a patient agenda form that you might test, adapt and improve.
- Visit Summary Form provides a quick yet comprehensive summary for clinicians, staff and patients that you might test, adapt, and improve.
- Sample letter, encouraging the use of a bowel cancer screening test kit, which you might test, adapt and improve.
- Colonoscopy Referral Letter is a sample reminder letter, a follow up for a cancelled appointment and notification of missed appointment that you might test, adapt and improve.
- Controlled Substances Agreement provides a template to manage relationships and understanding between patients and their providers that you might test, adapt and improve.